Busa Trulku Rinpoche installed the golden pinnacle (Sertho) of the newly renovated Pema Shedrup Dhargye Khandroling Nunnery, Dangchu

Busa Trulku Rinpoche installed the golden pinnacle (Sertho) of the newly renovated Pema Shedrup Dhargye Khandroling Nunnery, Dangchu

Busa Trulku Rinpoche installed the golden pinnacle (Setho) of the newly renovated and rebuilt Dangchu Zhabjye Lhakhag Monastery at Pema Shedrup Dhargye Khandroling Nunnery on August 1, 2022 coinciding with Drukpa Tshe Zhi, the Anniversary of the First Sermon of Lord Buddha.

The golden pinnacle (Sertho) installation ceremony started with offering of cleansing Dorling Lhabsang, recitation of holy prayers, Zhukdrel Pünsum Tsokpa and lunch hosted by Dangchu community.  Busa Truku Rinpoche, Lop Uzinma and Nuns of Pema Shedrup Dhargye Khandroling Nunnery, Lopens and monks from Busa Wangdue Goenpa Dorling Thorim Shedra, Dangchu Gup and team from GAO – Dangchu,sponsors and supporters of the Nunnery and foundation, Nunnery Anim Tshokpa members, parents of nuns and local community from Dangchu joined the golden pinnacle (Sertho) installation ceremony and prayed for the well-being and obstacle free and success of all sponsors, supporters, Jindhas, nunnery tshogpa members and foundation prime sponsors from Taiwan and overseas.

Zhabjye Lhakhang was blessed with the visit of Guru Padmasambava in eighth century. Guru spent some time meditating in the place above the existing temple known as Ugyen Phu. While meditating, the devotees of the village requested Guru to bless them with a perennial source of water as the people were suffering from the acute shortage of drinking water. Guru warmly consented to the request, and had established a permanent source of water which is visibly seen today, commonly known as Zhabje Drubchu. However, the water didn’t reach to the village, like a miracle the water evaporated on the way, this unusual scenario had startled the people and Guru. To learn the evil cause, Padmasambava made it to the source, and to his surprise he saw a demon couple diverting the water to the other direction. Guru then chased the demon till he got hold on one of the couple demons – female demon at Zhabje (present location of Zhabje Lhakhang). Guru then subdued the female demon using the dagger and turned the demon to a rock.

Even today we can clearly see the sight of the rock and its dagger in the altar of Zhabje lhakhang.

Pema Shedrup DhargyeKhandroling Nunnery at Zhabjye Lhakhang is registered under Dorje Lingpa Foundation. Currently we have 32 nuns with a Lopen Uzinma and two lopens at the Nunnery.

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